Creating A Winning Legislative Campaign: The Colorado Story


March 30, 2011

Dear DFER friend:

We get a lot of requests for advice and strategy from reform partners across the country. All of us in this space are trying to figure out what kinds of advocacy approaches work best considering the rapidly-shifting and sometimes turbulent political landscape, so we’re always happy to share our mistakes and triumphs.

We recently created a case study/how-to guide for our internal team at Democrats for Education Reform which describes in great detail the approach our organization took in Colorado last year in working to pass the landmark “Senate Bill 191,” which reformed principal/teacher tenure in ways we think could/should have profound impact nationally.

Because we get asked for this kind of information so often, we decided to share the case study with anyone who wants to learn more about one kind of approach that proved to be extremely successful. (Even if Colorado got totally hosed by the Race To The Top judges, the legislative work that was done as part of SB 191 was the most impressive reform work we saw in any state in 2010. Long live Colorado!)

Read the case study here.

Read The Advocate’s Checklist here.

Our hope is that sharing this case study with others will give a better sense of the great work that our group and others, like Stand For Children, got done in Colorado last year.

As always, we look forward to partnering with you in the future.

Joe Williams