Seven education groups backing competitive-grant program

Press Releases

January 25, 2012

By Cara Matthews

(From Democrat and Chronicle Blog (AP), January 25, 2012)

Seven education groups from around the state are backing Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s budget proposal to expand the new competitive-grant programs for schools that reduce costs through management efficiencies and improve student achievement. The governor recommended awarding $250 million for the grants in the 2012-13 fiscal year, which starts April 1.

A number of groups — including the Alliance for Quality Education, the state Council of School Superintendents and the state School Boards Association – have criticized the governor and urged him to instead spend more money on general education aid. State funding for education is scheduled to increase 4 percent in the next fiscal year, following two years of steep cuts.

The state Board of Regents’ budget proposal included $50 million for the two programs. State Education Commissioner John King told lawmakers this week that he had concerns about the impact it would have on funding for high-needs districts, particularly in light of the 2 percent tax cap. The Council of School Superintendents and AQE also support spending just $50 million on the grants.

Organizations that are backing Cuomo’s recommendation include NYCAN: The New York Campaign for Achievement Now, Students for Education Reform, Democrats for Education Reform in New York City, Buffalo ReformED, District Parent Coordinating Council of Buffalo, Parent Power Project in Rochester and Democracy Builders. This is their statement:

“For years, the special interests in New York State have fought successfully to protect the education bureaucracy at the expense of our students. The results of their efforts speak for themselves: New York State now spends more on education that any other state in the nation but we are only 38th in graduation rates. We can no longer accept an education system where the bureaucracy thrives while our students fail.