In The News

November 27, 2012

(From Union-Tribune, Oct. 27th, 2012)

A popular aphorism defines insanity as repeating the same action over and over but expecting different results. By this standard, most voters in the Golden State should long ago have been institutionalized.

Again and again, majorities vote for the same big-government, easy-entitlement, union-dominated, hyper-green legislators in Sacramento. And time after time they get a state characterized by high unemployment, bulging budget deficits, fleeing entrepreneurs and mediocre schools.

Assuming the voting public in California doesn’t actually desire these outcomes, it might be wise to vote for some changes on Nov. 6.

One major adjustment would be Proposition 32. This initiative allows individuals to decide for themselves whether they want to contribute to political causes rather than having such funds automatically deducted from their paychecks.

In addition, the law would prohibit unions and corporations from contributing directly to political candidates. Nothing in the law, however, would — or constitutionally could — prohibit these organizations from promoting whatever general causes they wish to support.

Leading the fight for Proposition 32 is Gloria Romero, former Democratic majority leader in the California Senate, an unlikely source of support for a law designed to rein in union domination of Sacramento.

Read the full post here.