The poll shows 74% of Democrats and 72% of Republicans support the implementation of CCSS across the state; and 64% of voters overall—72% of Democrats, 59% of Republicans—believe funding for the standards should be restored. These results negate the unproductive arguments being made by those at the margins who oppose CCSS and pretend to speak for the majority of voters.
“There are those on the fringes that have hijacked the debate around the implementation of college and career ready standards,” stated Director of DFER-MI, Harrison Blackmond. “But, as this study shows, Michiganders on both sides of the aisle support Common Core and believe these standards will help put our students on the path to success.
“With bi-partisan support from the majority of voters, it is now time for Michigan lawmakers to move forward with implementation and restore funding,” continued Blackmond. “It is not only what their constituents want, but CCSS are what our students need most.”
Michigan lawmakers are likely to vote on the restoration of funding for CCSS before the budget goes into effect on October 1st, the start date of next fiscal year. The Education Trust – Midwest poll makes clear that both Michigan Democrats and Republicans overwhelming support Common Core. This time around, we should expect our state legislators to stop pandering to extremists and vote in the interests of parents, students, and taxpayers to restore CCSS funding.