Education Week: Group Slams House Majority for Lack of Charter-funding Support

Press Releases

April 7, 2014

By Katie Ash

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has done less to advance the growth of charter schools in his 13 years in the U.S. Congress than New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has in the three months he’s been in office, argues a policy brief published Monday by Democrats for Education Reform.

Although Cantor has spent much time advocating for the support and expansion of charter schools through speeches, he has done little beyond talking to actually realize those goals, says the brief, written by Charles Barone—the organization’s policy director—and Mac LeBuhn, a policy analyst for the group. Only three Republicans, which did not include Cantor, signed a letter in support of a new bill that would increase funding for the federal Charter School Program. (Twenty Democrats supported the move.)

Read the full post here.