New York Daily News: The central challenge? Teaching teachers

In The News

October 29, 2015

By Michael Dannenberg and Alice Cain

In yesterday’s New York Daily News, Michael Dannenberg, ERN’s Director of Strategic Initiatives and Alice Cain, Executive Vice President of Policy at Teach Plus, discussed schools of education’s central role in teaching teachers to be ready on day one:

The most volatile issue in education is evaluating, rating and replacing low-performing teachers. Building on legal success in California, groups of black and Latino parents, supported by reporter-turned-reformer Campbell Brown, are suing other states, claiming teacher tenure and “last in, first out” layoff guarantees violate their children’s right to education and equal protection.

But these activities, as important and controversial as they are, mask a far broader teacher-quality problem: schools of education.

We can’t — and shouldn’t — fire our way to a great teacher in every classroom.

Read more at New York Daily News.