Reps. Polis, Davis Introduce Educator-Evaluation Bill

Press Releases

October 19, 2010

By Stephen Sawchuk

(From Education Week, October 19, 2010)

Representatives Jared Polis, D-Colo., and Susan Davis, D-Calif., introduced a bill recently that would require states to oversee new systems for evaluating teachers and principals–including consideration of “value added” estimates based on student scores, where available.

To receive their cut of Title I aid, states would have to establish model teacher- and -principal evaluation instruments that meet certain requirements, and then help districts adopt similar systems and use them to provide feedback and inform personnel decisions. Then states would have to report the percentage of educators scoring at each level of the systems and in the highest- and lowest-minority schools and highest- and lowest-poverty schools. Districts would face similar reporting requirements.

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