Education Reform Now Releases Transcript on Education Changes to the 2016 Democratic Party Platform

2016 Presidential Elections

July 12, 2016

UPDATED 7/20/16:

DFER/ERN President Shavar Jeffries’ Twitter Response to Randi Weingarten Added Below

2016 dem platform 2

Many readers are aware that over the past weekend, the Democratic National Committee made significant changes to the draft Democratic Party Platform that was first posted on July 1st. We think many of the changes made last weekend to the education section of the platform – such as those opposing racially discriminatory discipline practices and supporting restorative justice policies – are big improvements.

Others, however, including those that seem to encourage parents to opt their kids out of state academic assessments, something civil rights groups have repeatedly and harshly criticized, are seriously problematic, especially given the closed-door nature of the proceedings that did not appear to include any national civil rights leaders.

Because the DNC has thus far not produced a comprehensive account of the changes made to the platform, even though 3 days have elapsed since such changes were agreed to, we have decided, in the interest of transparency, to transcribe those related to education based on the video of the proceedings made available by C-Span.

Click here for a transcript of Saturday’s proceedings.

2016 Ed Amendments


Click here for our interpretation of where the platform stands now, incorporating the approved amendments as we understand them.

Updated 2016 Ed Platform


Disclaimer: This is an unofficial transcript of the DNC’s meetings on July 8th and 9th based on video made available by C-SPAN. We think it’s an accurate transcription but it’s possible that the DNC may have recorded these proceedings differently. We created these documents solely for the purposes of providing transparency and stimulating discussion.

DFER/ERN President Shavar Jeffries’ Twitter Response to Randi Weingarten