DFER For Fenty

Press Releases

September 7, 2010

(From Politico, September 7, 2010)


Democrats for Education Reform comes out for embattled D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, warning against going back to the “bad, old days” of education in Washington.

“From skyrocketing test scores to drastically improved facilities; from a hard-earned victory in the Race to the Top competition, to a landmark contract with the teachers union that will serve as a model for the rest of the nation, Mayor Adrian Fenty has overseen a historic turnaround of the Washington D.C. school system,” said Joe Williams, DFER’s executive director.

“Fenty is a true reformer who has pulled a struggling system back from the brink. As there is still much work to be done to complete the turnaround of the DCPS system, and Fenty is the one candidate in this race that will finish the job, it is vital that we return him to City Hall.”