Have The Democrats Lost The MSM On Ed Issues?

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

July 11, 2007

The post- Pander-Palooza pile-on on the presidential candidates continues. Today it comes from San Diego Union Tribune columnist Ruben Navarette and Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus. (Following, of course the initial blows from Richard Cohen and Marc Lampkin.)

Both columns are hard-hitting and thoughtful, but the larger significance seems to revolve around the fact that they were even written in the first place. A decade ago, when I used to cover the National Education Association's Representative Assembly, the stories reporters (there were only a few of us who joined Mike Antonucci in the press pit back then) filed with their newspapers tended to be buried back in the paper and read only by teachers union members and/or teachers union critics.

But now the opinion-shaping/opinion-reflecting columnists are starting to decend upon the embarrassed presidential candidates like vultures.