NY Times Looks At Green Dot 'Maverick' Steve Barr

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

July 24, 2007

The Newspaper of Record’s Sam Dillon spent some time with Steve Barr, who happens to be a member of the National Advisory Board for Democrats for Education Reform. In keeping with the newspaper’s high standards, the phrase “pig fucker” does not appear anywhere in the piece. The set-up graphs:

In just seven years, Mr. Barr’s Green Dot Public Schools organization has founded 10 charter high schools and has won approval to open 10 more. Now, in his most aggressive challenge to the public school system, he is fighting to seize control of Locke Senior High, a gang-ridden school in Watts known as one of the city’s worst. A 15-year-old girl was killed by gunfire there in 2005.