AFT Endorses Hillary

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

October 3, 2007

Perhaps it was because the presidential campaign seemed to start a decade ago, but today's news that the American Federation of Teachers is endorsing Sen. Hillary Clinton for president made the race start to feel somewhat exciting again.

So what happens now? Does Obama finally come out of his shell? Does John Edwards hammer hard by suggesting thet the children of organized labor deserve a better education than we're giving them? Is it the beginning of the end? Etc.?

Seems like we're at that proverbial fork in the road…

UPDATE: NYSUT's Dick Ianuzzi says the Illinois contingent wanted to delay the announcement to help keep Obama in the running for a bit, but the union opted to go for Hillary now because it won't be meeting again until February and the presidential race will be over by then.

UPDATE II: I forgot to disclose that my wife and I both maxed out to Obama for the primary, for personal reasons.