Mea Culpa: UFT Unfairly Bashes Mickey Mouse

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

November 30, 2007

Put this one in the “Grassy Knoll” file:

My recent tendency to stick up for teachers union leaders is biting me in the rump today. This morning I posted about UFT President Leo Casey’s contention that he had been erased from the official registry of Disney teacher award winners because he organized a letter drive protesting John Stossel’s Stupid In America.

I opined that it was a stupid move on the part of Disney. (I honestly couldn’t understand why anyone at Disney would care at all what Leo’s letter said.)

But Mike Antonucci this afternoon reminds us all what can happen when you take the teacher’s union word and run with it. Check it out. Seems like Leo wishes he could claim victimization at the hands of the Mouse, but it doesn’t wash. All sorts of people, who didn’t sign any protest letter, also seem to have been mistakenly left off the list.

On behalf of Democrats everywhere, I wish to apologize profusely for taking the teachers union’s side even though their leadership was just talking paranoid smack again. Consider this a lesson learned.

UPDATE: Leo has updated his post with some sort of explanation of due diligence, but I’m even more confused that I was when he put up his original post.