Walker Texas Ranger vs. The Oprah?

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

January 4, 2008










What an interesting night in Iowa. It seems like the showdown is clear heading to November, with Chuck Norris taking it to The Oprah. (Prediction: Oprah wins Ohio, Michigan, and Florida and cruises to victory.)

Few quick thoughts:

1. If you think that Hillary lost badly, you obviously didn’t watch the second half of the Marquette-Providence hoops contest taking place a couple hundred miles east from the caucuses. My 1988 MU intramural squad could have handled Providence easily, it seemed. And even Madeleine Albright could have played better defense than the hapless Providence Friars.

2. Despite appearances to the contrary, the Baby Boomers are not dead. They apparently just need to get to bed a little earlier than they used to. Team Clinton will no doubt be back in action in no time. This thing is not over, which is good for everyone who not only wants to see the Dems take back the White House, but do so in a way where the party finally re-establishes itself as relevant with the American public by improving/fine-tuning its positions through rigorous debate.

3. I do think there is something significantly compelling about the message of hope. Change means more than just a regime switch, it involves fundamentally rethinking how we do things in this country. That’s what inspires hope that things will actually be different for the next generation.

4. Strange to watch Giuliani dying such a slow death in general on the GOP side. I thought for sure his implosion would have been more dramatic. In fact, everything about the Republican contest seems odd this year.

5. Isn’t it nice to see so many Americans engaged this time around? This is actually interesting for once.