Heading For The Exits

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

February 12, 2008

A good chunk of the "old guard" wing of the teachers union in New York State could be hanging it up in the very near future. As Steve Perez notes on EdWize, the NY Assembly just passed a Bye-Bye Baby Boomer Bill for teachers, which would allow certain teachers to retire at age 55 (with full pension) if they have 25 years on the job.

(Previously, a teacher had to have 30 years in or wait until age 62 to not have their pensions reduced.)

This is obviously a huge deal/win for the teachers union, and could have a tremendous impact on school staffing.

Likely to be overheard at all those retirement parties are young, whipper-snapper colleages remarking: You spent 25 years… in the same job? (For better or for worse.)

If it becomes law, teachers would have 180 days to make it happen.