AFT Ed Resorts To Cheap Sensationalism

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

March 4, 2008

In the most blatant attempt I've yet to see on the blogosphere to artificially drive up web traffic for an education blog (even worse than when I peppered a post last year with Paris Hilton references) AFT Ed is clearly appealing/pandering to the most voyeuristic instincts in all of us when he weighs in on the extremely controversial topic of self-insuring public bond issuers.

He even plays directly to the cheap seats when he writes:  I'm unsure how much the public sector needs bond insurance at all, although I understand having it allows you to avoid making certain commitments about revenue streams and repayment.

Yeah baby!

You ought to be ashamed of yourself Mr. Muir! I hope the AFT server crashes over all this traffic!

(In all seriousness, however, I think he's onto something about the bizarre willingness of school districts to let themselves get screwed out of the action here.)