DFER Obama Action: $50,000 in 60 Seconds!

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

October 5, 2008

Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Thanks to all of you who participated in our “Obama Education Minute” online fundraising experiment. In our 60-second fundraising drive, we raised approximately $50,000 in online pledges and checks for the campaign. Thanks also to Obama education advisor Jon Schnur for joining us at a special reception in NYC later that night.

There are still things you can do to help make sure Barack Obama crosses the finish line and that education reform continues to be part of Obama’s agenda for change:

— If you are in the Baltimore area, attend the Oct. 14th Obama fundraiser at the home of our friends Justin Cohen and Eleanor Vanden Huevel. Tickets are $100 per person, and the event starts at 8 p.m. at 620 W 33rd St, Baltimore, MD.

(And while you’re there, say hello to Schnur, former National Teacher of the Year Jason Kamras, and Rep. John Sarbanes.)

More info and online contribution form is here.

— Contribute online at the DFER Obama page: http://my.barackobama.com/page/outreach/view/main/DFER  And if you max out there, contribute at the DFER DNC page: http://www.democrats.org/page/outreach/view/total/DFER

— Join other ed reformers in the political ground war in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Thanks again for everything you are doing for change.