Sara Mead Is Damon Weaver's Homegirl

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

December 4, 2008

Alexander Russo flagged a YouTube video of Florida elementary school student Damon Weaver, the kid who made Joe Biden his homeboy after interviewing him on the campaign trail. Young Damon, one of the most scrumptious kids you’ll ever see, is enlisting NBA stars like Dwyane Wade to help him snag an interview with President-Elect Obama.

But then Sara Mead takes it to the next level, providing a sobering look at Damon’s school and offering this meta point:

Damon’s clearly a smart, charismatic kid with the potential for a bright future ahead of him: Will his education prepare him to make the most of that potential? Is he getting the kind of education we should demand for all our kids? What about his less famous peers? We think it’d be pretty cool if Obama did agree to let Damon interview him. But we think a much more important question is: What will Obama’s education policy agenda do to improve outcomes for Damon, his schoolmates, and kids like them across the country?