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January 3, 2009

The selection of Michael Bennet for the U.S. Senate isn’t the only thing happening in the Rockies that has DFER-ites excited.

Check out this goosebump-producing story on Peter Groff and Terrance Carroll in today’s Rocky Mountain News.

Groff is on the verge of being re-elected Senate President next week. Carroll is about to be elected Speaker of the House. They are the only two black elected officials in the Colorado Legislature, yet Colorado will become the first state in the union to see two blacks occupying the top two legislative posts at the same time.

Read the story, it lays it out perfectly.

Groff and Carroll are two of the smartest guys I have ever met. They eat and breathe politics (both know how to get things done) and they feel education reform in their guts. Keep your eye on both of them, because I can pretty much guarantee this isn’t the last you’ll hear from them.