Yolanda Hill Must Be Stopped At All Costs!

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

February 18, 2009

Yolanda Hill is a very, very bad woman.

Thankfully she was arrested and had her hands cuffed to a chain around her waist after spending several days in jail last week before appearing before a Rochester (NY) area judge.

People like Hill should not be allowed to roam our streets.

Although her daughter doesn’t see it the same way. “My mom only did what was right because she loved us,” said Santazcha Hill, who is 16. “She’s not a criminal.”

Technically, Hill is an “alleged” criminal. She sent her kids to public schools outside of Rochester because she didn’t think they were “good enough” for her kids. The nerve! People like Hill are ruining public education. Instead of finding good schools for her kids, she should send them to bad Rochester schools and then run for a community education council or something, where over the course of the next 50-years she can fight to improve them in time for her great grandkids.

More background on Hill’s case can be found here. Meanwhile, Urban Journal’s Mary Anna Towler writes that this case has now made her a charter school supporter.

It would be interesting if someone asked Gov. David Paterson how he feels about the issue of throwing parents into jail for sending their kids to the wrong public schools.