More Big Mo In Ed Reform

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

June 20, 2009

Good stuff coming out of Connecticut, where ConnCAN’s Alex Johnston reports that after seemingly losing an important teacher certification reform bill in the Legislature two weeks ago, a bipartisan group made sure it passed in a special session. Now the bill — the most significant overhaul of Connecticut teacher certification laws in more than 20 years — goes to the Governor’s desk for her signature in time for the coming school year. This bill improves teacher quality by doing three crucial things: allowing experienced teachers from other states to teach in Connecticut, keeping Teach for America on a path to growth, and removing roadblocks keeping excellent math and science candidates out of the classroom.

Also, Milwaukee’s first crop of TFA corps members reported for duty this week. The edu-political dynamic in Brew Town will suddenly get a lot more interesting.

Will the good reform vibes make their way to Rhode Island, where funding for the first Mayoral Academy charter school is going to need a strong push in the final days of the Legislative session? Race To The Top implications?