Recognizing Excellent Teaching in Virginia

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

April 27, 2011

Krystal Ball, a former candidate for Congress and one-time DFER “Education Reformer of the Month,” weighs in with some qualified support for VA Gov. McDonnell’s pay for performance proposal for hard-to-staff schools.
She sums it up:
I’ve taken heat from a lot of Democrats because of my support for education reforms such as school choice, tenure reform, and performance-pay. To me though, these types of reforms are deeply progressive in that they seek to level the educational playing field for one of the most powerless groups in our society, poor children. The sad truth is that in America right now, the quality of your education is almost completely dependent on your skin color and your zip code. Changing this is a moral imperative and I am proud to support all efforts by Democrats and Republicans to provide every one of our children with the quality education they deserve.