DFER NY Releases Statement on Failure to Reach Teacher Evaluation Deal

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

December 30, 2011

Below is a statement from Elizabeth Ling, Executive Director of Democrats for Education Reform NY, on the failure of the city and UFT to reach an agreement on a teacher evaluation system before tomorrow’s deadline:

“The spirit of collaboration that ushered in the State’s Race to the Top win a little more than a year ago has devolved into a disappointing game of fingerpointing with the city’s one million students as the biggest losers. Not only do their schools now stand to lose out on tens of millions of dollars but we may have blown our best shot at developing a meaningful evaluation system to ensure there is a great teacher in every classroom. The Bloomberg Administration, which seems serious about implementing an evaluation system with real teeth, has an obligation to get this right with or without the union’s cooperation.”