More Dem Guv Boldness

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

February 9, 2012

By Joe Williams, DFER Executive Director

Re: This post from the other day on Gubernatorial Mojo, Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy continues to flex in what has been a steady stream of education reform proposals for the state. He’s the latest Democratic governor to push proposals to make the process of earning teacher tenure meaningful for the profession.

Check this out, from the Gov:

“We’ve been too timid when the situation calls for boldness,” Malloy told a joint session of the General Assembly today. “Now, I’m a Democrat. I’ve been told that I can’t, or shouldn’t, touch teacher tenure. … I do what I say I’m going to do, and do what I think is right for Connecticut, irrespective of the political consequences. So when I say it’s time we reform teacher tenure, I mean it.”

Joe Williams has built a reputation as one of the most effective strategists and coalition-builders in the education reform community. He is a nationally recognized analyst and public speaker on education policy and politics, reaching thousands of listeners in audiences from coast to coast each year. Read more about Joe here.