DFER Releases New Policy Brief: Why Ed Reformers Must Make Sure President Obama is Re-Elected

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

May 14, 2012

In Why Ed Reformers Must Make Sure President Obama is Re-Elected, DFER Executive Director Joe Williams and DFER Director of Federal Policy Charlie Barone communicate the need for reformers to take an all-hands-on-deck approach to re-elect “education reformer in chief” President Barack Obama.

During his past four years in office, President Obama has been a stalwart leader for the education reform movement. We must all do our part to ensure he remains in office for another four years to continue the historic momentum of reform he has worked so courageously to advance.

Read the full report here.

Also, don’t forget to review our recent policy brief on Mitt Romney: What Kind of President Would Mitt Romney Be on Education? (Check it out.)