DFER News Roundup 6.22.12

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

June 22, 2012

DFER News Round Up

By Devin Boyle, DFER’s Director of Communications

DFER Seen & Heard:

  • Joe Williams tells the WSJ, “New York can now claim the prize for having spent more time debating the release of these evaluations than the makeup of the evaluations themselves” – PS: We did not change our name to Democrats for Evaluation Reform.
  • “Organized parents and donors can have a tremendous impact on the political landscape, even if they raise only a fraction of what they are talking about,” says Joe Williams after hearing about a new organization started by a group of Charter School Parents. (GothamSchools)
  • Groups – DFER included – send a letter to NEA and AFT asking teachers’ unions to promote reform policies at the state level. (Huffington Post)
  • “Obama Administration Softens Position On DC Voucher Program,” as reported in the Huffington Post. DFER’s Barone gives his take.
  • Hard work pays off in Jersey for more than just the cast of Jersey Shore (Although we prefer Jerseylicious): DFER applauds bill in NJ Senate overhauling teacher tenure (NorthJersey.com
  • “We are on the path toward change, ” says DFER’s Romero regarding the recent support of parent trigger laws by the US Conference of Mayors. (Reuters
  • DFER gets a mention in Dropout Nation’s post, “Rahm Emanuel’s Ronald Reagan Moment.” 
  • Indiana’s Gubernatorial Candidates – Including DFER’s Reformer of the Month, John Gregg – Outline their Education Platforms (NPR)

From DFER’s Blog:

  • “After Parental Choice, Then What?,” asks DFER MI State Director Harrison Blackmond. (DFER’s Blog)
  • DFER’s Barone calls out Diane Ravitch in his post, “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (with apologies to Al Franken).” (DFER’s Blog)
  • DFER’s Joe Williams pens, “Empire State Teacher Evaluation Freak Show, Part 6.” (DFER’s Blog)
  • Teacher contract negotiations take a dangerous turn for kids in Chicago, reports DFER’s Huffman. (DFER’s Blog)
  • DFER’s Lisa Macfarlne asks, “What’s Behind the Curtain of WA’s Innovation Schools?” (DFER’s Blog)

DFER Advocacy:

  • Read DFER’s breakdown of requests & allocations in the FY13 Labor, HHS, & Education Bill. (DFER Advocacy)

In Related News:

  • DFER gets some mentions in the policy brief by Alexander Russo, “The Successful Failure of Ed in ’08.” (AEI
  • Senate Panel Approves Small Funding Increase for Education Department. (Ed Week)
  • LA Unified School District is ordered to use students’ academic achievement in teacher evaluations. (Dropout Nation & LA Times)
  • Former Secretary of Education, Margaret Spellings, says she withdrew from advising Romney’s campaign once he rejected strong federal accountability measures as part of his education agenda. (NYT

Videos Worth Watching:

  • Just for fun: Conan schools 1st graders on the art of singing the blues. (YouTube)
  • Ed Week’s video on Obama’s record on education in his first term.
  • DFER’s Huffman appears on NBC Chicago to weigh in on CTU strike authorization vote.
  • DFER’s CA State Director, Gloria Romero, discusses Gov. Jerry Brown’s stance on education. She says, “We’re still waiting to see where Gov. Jerry Brown will be.” 

Call to Action: