DFER's 3rd annual Education Warrior Awards – Nominate a Warrior today!

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

July 12, 2012



It’s time for DFER’s third annual Brian Bennett Education Warrior Awards! Last year was the first time DFER requested nominations from the public, and the response was overwhelming. So, again, we’re asking you who YOU think is deserving of the title “Education Warrior.”

Named after the late education advocate, the Brian Bennett award serves to honor those that are heroes of public education reform and tireless advocates for children. Past award recipients include such education warriors as Dr. Howard Fuller and Representative George Miller. (For a full list of past recipients click here.)

Nominate an education warrior today and tell us why they deserve the title!

Nominations will be accepted until Friday August 10th. For more information about the Brian Bennett Education Warrior Award and a list of past recipients, visit www.dfer.org/edwarrior.

The Education Warrior Award recipient(s) will be announced in September.


Brienne Bellavita
Chief of Staff