Who Wants to Play Romney Bingo?

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

October 9, 2012

By Charles Barone, DFER Federal Policy Director

It’s no secret that Mitt Romney has held a variety of positions on key issues, and nowhere is this truer than in education. So, with the election just four weeks away, we thought we’d have a little fun with it.

Below is our special 2012 Romney Bingo Card (Education Edition). As you can see, the policy positions on the card are – just like Romney – all over the place. The beauty of the contest is that any line combination, even when the positions conflict, is a potential winner.

Contestants who can line-up positions on the card that coincide with Romney’s previous statements get the “Stars and Stripes” Award of a free election 2012 mixtape (track list TBD). Those who do so for statements made by Romney or his campaign after 5:00PM on October 9th get the coveted “Victory Council” Award (free mixtape plus a free DFER swag item of your choice). No photo i.d. required.

Submit winning cards to DFER’s Director of Communications Devin Boyle, Devin@DFER.org.

Good luck!

Here’s the card (or download the PDF):