Democrats for Education Reform Announces Launch of "I'm A DFER" Speakers Bureau

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

January 31, 2013

We are pleased to announce the launch of the “I’m A DFER” Speakers Bureau of former Democratic state legislators. The Speakers Bureau will support current Democratic legislators with a commitment to education reform and facilitate ongoing discussions on reform efforts in Democratic legislative caucus’ and policy circles.

Bureau members will be available to testify at committee hearings, address gatherings of state legislators, participate in press events and conference panels, and attend local and national events organized by legislators.

Members of the Speakers Bureau include:

• Hon. Ember Reichgott Junge, former State Senator, MN
Hon. Terrance Carroll, former State Speaker of the House, CO
• Hon. Jason Fields, former State Representative, WI
• Hon. Ann Duplesis, former State Senator, LA
• Hon. Gloria Romero, former State Senate Majority Leader, CA
Hon. Tony Payton, former State Representative, PA
Hon. Maureen Stapleton, former State Representative, MI
• Hon. Ron Tupa, former State Senator, CO
Hon. Mary Ann Sullivan, former State Representative, IN
Hon. Peter Groff, former State Senate President, CO

For more details, read the full press release here.