DFER News Round Up 03.07.2013

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

March 7, 2013

By Devin Boyle, Director of Communications

DFER Seen & Heard:

  • Joe Williams talks with Choice Media about the latest installment of opponents of ed reform filing lawsuits to slow down or halt legislation.
  • “The Good News – and Tough Lessons – for Reformers from the L.A. Unified Board Elections.” (Dropout Nation)
  • LA school districts are target for education reformers. Joe Williams gives his take. (Huff Post

DFER Blog:

  • DFER WA’s Lisa Macfarlane pens blog post “The Nine” on WA’s appointment of Charter School Commissioners.

In Related News:

  • TFER weighs in on Ed Week article, “Teacher-Evaluation Plans Bedevil Waiver States.” 
  • According to a recent College Board study more high school graduates are taking and passing AP classes than ever before, reports The Education Trust
  • Public charter school kids in NYC are outpacing district peers according to Stanford CREDO study, reports Ed Week

Fun with Infographics & More:

  • Teacher Ashley Hebda talks about her support for the Common Core in Stand for Children Indiana’s “I Am For The Core” video.