Education reform issues take center stage at Wisconsin budget hearing

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

April 5, 2013

Jarett with State Senator Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee)

By Jarett Fields, DFER Wisconsin

Like so many issues in Wisconsin, education reform has become a divisive one. As legislators on both sides of the aisle continue to clash over the issue, it has quickly taken center stage in budget discussions statewide. Yesterday, Wisconsinites had the opportunity to express their concerns about the proposed state budget at a Joint Finance Committee public hearing in Greendale, WI.

The budget includes several items that pertain directly to expanding and improving independent public charter school options in Wisconsin. It includes a per pupil increase that would allow each student in Wisconsin to have equal support from the state, even if they choose not to attend a traditional public school. The budget also calls for the development of a Charter School Oversight Board that would allow local organizations with community roots to authorize schools that meet specific student needs and respond to local education challenges. This structure would maximize local control, while providing a more specialized alternative for children who struggle in traditional public schools.

I had the chance to testify on behalf of DFER in front of the 16 member Committee, which is tasked with debating the importance of each of the items presented in the state budget that was announced in late February. At the hearing, I spoke out in support of expanding educational options and outlined the importance of providing more quality public charter schools statewide.

During my testimony, I also provided statistics to prove that independent public charter schools do work. For example, in 2011, Milwaukee and Racine test scores showed that 60% of independent public charter school students were at or above grade level in math and 81% were at or above grade level in reading. This is significantly higher than their traditional public school peers.

I believe that Wisconsin needs to embrace the opportunity to expand the role independent public charter schools play in our education landscape, and allow for these opportunities to be expanded to children and parents outside of the Milwaukee area. I will continue to testify at budget hearings, meet with state legislators and spread the word throughout our communities until our voice is heard.