Who's Been Courting You on Common Core? (Part 3 of 5)

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

April 25, 2013

Here is the 3rd in a series of profiles on opponents to Common Core State Standards. (View the 1st2nd, and 4th.)

Heather Crossin, Founder of Hoosiers Against Common Core

Who’s been courting you?

  • Heather Crossin, founder of Hoosiers Against Common Core

What does she think about Common Core?

  • “Governors and potential presidential candidates should especially take note. In state after state, parents, especially moms, have driven the movement against the Common Core. It’s hasn’t seen much coverage by talk radio, and perhaps for that reason many elected leaders have failed to notice the fervor and rising opposition.” (See here.)

What else has Heather Crossin been up to?

  • Crossin donated $500 to Michelle Bachmann, founder of the Congressional Tea Parry Caucus, during her runs for Congress and the Presidency. Bachmann, among other things:
    • Co-owns a clinic with her husband that conducts conversion therapy, a technique that attempts to transform homosexuals into heterosexuals; and,
    • Opposes funding financial aid programs that benefit college students.
  • Todd Akin belongs in the Senate: Heather Crossin donated $300 to support Todd Akin’s (R-MO) Senate run. During a 2012 run for U.S. Senate, Akin infamously claimed that:
    • “From what I understand from doctors, [pregnancies from rape] are really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” (See here.) Approximately 5% of rapes result in pregnancies. In November, Akin lost the election to Democratic U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill.
  • Crossin was an aide to former Congressman Dan Burton who, among other things:
    • Invited his colleagues to his home for a forensic experiment in which he fired a .384 barrel into a cantaloupe (or pumpkin; reports vary) to support his theory that Clinton aide Vince Foster’s death was a murder rather than a suicide;
    • Proposed building a transparent shield of Plexiglass around the House chamber to protect members from terrorist attacks; and,
    • Opposed sanctions on South Africa to end apartheid because they would result in “a real bloodbath that will benefit the communists.” Years later, the country peacefully ended its regime of minority-white rule. (See here.)

Click here to read the introduction letter by Larry Grau.