DFER News Roundup

- Policy Director Charles Barone and Policy Analyst Mac LeBuhn made waves last week with a policy brief titled “Bill de Blasio Trounces Eric Cantor in the Biggest March Madness Upset Yet.”
- Support our April Reformers of the Month: state Rep. Margo Davidson (PA-164) and Newark mayoral candidate Shavar Jeffries!
DFER Seen & Heard:
- “Close underperforming charter schools,” DFER-IL’s Rebeca Nieves Huffman wrote in the Chicago Sun-Times.
- DFER-AZ’s Christina Martinez penned an op-ed in the Huffington Post: “Arizona prefers prison over education.”
- The Huffington Post’s Joy Resmovits and EdWeek’s Katie Ash covered Barone and LeBuhn’s paper on the GOP and school choice.
Advocacy, Policy Briefs & Such:
- Press release | In CO, attack on great teachers for all avoided for 2014 legislative session.
DFER Blog:
- “What would LBJ say? When it comes to our kids, his message couldn’t be any clearer: tomorrow is ours, to win or lose,” writes DFER-TX’s Jennifer Koppel.
In Related News:
- “The headlines write themselves. Warren agrees with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA); pigs fly; hell freezes over,” Vox’s Libby Nelson writes about education related-quotes in Senator Elizabeth Warren’s book.
- Gallup released its new “State of America’s Schools” report.
- “With time running out, Arne Duncan discusses his lengthy to-do list,” writes EdWeek’s Michele McNeil.
- House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy assigned some recess-week homework to Republicans: visit charter schools in their districts. (POLITICO)
Fun With Infographics & More:
- Infographic | Michigan kids falling behind.
- Infographic | Democrats push for Charter School Program funding.
- Stephen Colbert takes on the Common Core.