"Who The Heck Are They Endorsing?!" – Part Four

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

October 27, 2014

In honor of the days leading up to Election Day, we are going to feature some facts about candidates that surprised us…and we thought would also raise the eyebrows of our fellow progressive reformers fighting for our kids every day.

We thought we’d just offer a sampling of some folks who are anything but progressive, but who have somehow earned the thumbs up of their local teachers unions.

Chris Gibson 

Name: Christopher P. Gibson (R-NY)
Office: State Representative of District 19
The issues:

  • Voted to ban federal health coverage that included abortion
  • Against marriage equality
  • Against gun control
  • Voted against removing U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2011

Endorsed by: The New York State United Teachers (NYSUT)

Representative Gibson’s views of abortion, marriage equality, and gun control show how anti-progressive he is. Yet, he was endorsed by the NYSUT.

Yes, we’re as shocked as you are.