DFER-WA Statement on Washington State Supreme Court
Ruling on Public Charter Schools
SEATTLE, WA — Today, Democrats for Education Reform Washington (DFER-WA) State Director Lisa Macfarlane released the following statement:
“Late yesterday, the Washington Supreme Court issued a decision that creates chaos and uncertainty for families across the state and hurts students who just started the year in one of the new public charter schools. The decision pulls the rug out from underneath students at the worst possible time – after they have started attending classes and bonding with their teachers and classmates.
“Our focus has been, and continues to be, about giving all students, particularly those who have struggled in traditional settings, access to an excellent education. When we close doors of opportunity for underserved students, we lose futures, and then families and communities, and our economy bears the costs.
“We will be pursuing every last option to ensure that the 1200 students who found their dream schools can hold on to those dreams.”
Lisa Macfarlane, DFER-WA State Director
(206) 369-2171