DFER National President Shavar Jeffries Statement Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Washington, DC –Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) National President Shavar Jeffries today released the following statement honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
“As we celebrate and reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. King, it is more important now than ever to realize the value in working diligently for the arc that bends toward justice. The work around equity and opportunity is hard and long-fought, but that doesn’t mean that we give up on each other or in our fundamental belief that progress, though slow at times, always moves forward.
“Particularly at this time in our nation, where we sit at a crossroads on the heels of President Obama’s great legacy and face an uncertain future, we must remain focused on staying on the right side of history. Dr. King’s legacy should inspire us to lead with compassion and an understanding that there is strength in our diversity and dignity in our neighbors, even those who may disagree with us. To protect the civil rights legacy of our nation, we will not give up on social justice and empowering our most underserved communities.
“Working together, we can witness a better and brighter future for our children by leading the fight toward equity and justice for all.”
Contact: Takirra Winfield Dixon —, 202-854-9624