The Supreme Court’s decisions on Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard and SFFA v. UNC represent a serious step backward in the fight for racial equity and diversity in America that will harm all students and have serious repercussions. This is a moment to fight back and take a stand for widely shared values of fairness, justice, and opportunity.
In order to help policymakers understand the effect of banning race-conscious admissions and provide them with a range of policy responses that can help protect diversity in higher education, Education Reform Now published “A Compelling Interest: How Policymakers Can Respond to the Supreme Court’s Rulings on Race-Conscious Admissions,” in two separate versions, aimed at federal policymakers and state policymakers, respectively.
Despite the setback of the Supreme Court decisions, the fight for educational opportunity continues!
Read the Federal and State Policy Options:
Read the full Federal and State Reports: