Common Core State Standards: Supported by Teachers and Unions, Opposed at the Margins

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

April 9, 2013

In Common Core State Standards: Supported by Teachers and Unions, Opposed at the Margins, Democrats for Education Reform’s Director of Teacher Policy, Omar Lopez, sheds light on the overwhelming support for the Common Core State Standards by teachers and their unions and challenges a small number of critics who oppose the standards for ideological reasons or for reasons based on misinformation from special interests.

Numerous studies show that teachers across the country are aware of and excited about the Common Core State Standards. Overwhelmingly, teachers see them as a positive change in their classrooms. And, since the onset of their implementation, both national teachers’ unions have not only supported the standards, but have been involved in their development.

So, who makes up the voices of the opposition? Why do they claim to represent a large contingency, despite all the evidence to the contrary? Well, you’ll have to read on to find out.

Read the full report here.