DFER News Roundup 7.9.12

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

July 9, 2012

DFER News Round Up

By Devin Boyle, DFER Director of Communications

We apologize for the delay, but better late than never.

DFER Seen & Heard:

  • DFER IN State Director, Larry Grau, sends a letter to the editor of The Indianapolis Star, “My View: Teachers union acts in spite instead of reason”
  • Teach for America alumni make way into office and DFER has supported several of the candidates (The Huffington Post)
  • Ohio State Senator, Nina Turner, is DFER’s Reformer of the Month. (Read about her here.)

From DFER’s Blog: 

  • Elizabeth Ling, DFER NY State Director, calls out the NY teachers’ union for fighting against bill to aid special education charter students (DFER’s Blog)
  • The DFER for Teachers series is back: DFER’s Director of Teacher Advocacy, Jocelyn Huber pens, “What Are the Top Three Reasons to be a Teacher: June, July, and August” (DFER’s Blog)

In Related News:

  • 5 additional states (AR, MO, SD, UT, VA) receive waivers, bringing total to 24 (USDOE)
  • President of the Massachusetts Teachers Association says, “Our teachers are not afraid of being evaluated and being held responsible for students’ learning.” (Metro News Daily)

Videos Worth Watching:

  • Can you identify Turkmenistan and Madagascar on a map? This toddler can and she hasn’t even celebrated her 2nd birthday (YouTube)
  • Snakes are Born This Way: Super cute video of charter school kids parodying Lady Gaga to show their knowledge of snakes (YouTube)
  • In Chicago, Stand for Children Illinois and DFER’s Rebeca Nieves Huffman deliver 3,000 signed petitions asking for a compromise between Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Teachers Union to prevent a strike (Video)

A Little Something Extra: 

  • Infographic: TNTP illustrates the impact of quality-blind layoffs; it’s not a pretty picture

Call to Action:

Have a great week! Stay cool.