DFER News Roundup 11.9.12

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

November 9, 2012

DFER News Round Up – Election (Add)ition*


By Devin Boyle, Director of Communications

#1: Now that we can all take a breath – GOBama! The future for education reform looks bright.

#2: Let’s give a round of applause to all the Hot List candidates for their hard work!

DFER Seen & Heard:

  • DFER’s Macfarlne tells the NY Times, “Charter schools have cracked the code about how to reach some of these struggling populations of kids that the public schools, particularly in urban areas, are not doing well by”
  • “Reformers give IPS candidate heavy financial support.” And – she won
  • Parents demand more charter schools in CA due to long waiting lists, writes DFER’s Romero (Orange County Register)

From DFER’s Blog:

  • 2012 Election Results – DFER’s Hot List Fares Well! (DFER Blog)
  • Barone & Lopez report: SUNY – New Paltz Race to the Top Report: New York State of Mind (Not So Much) (DFER Blog)

In Related News:

  • Huff Post reports “Obama’s Reelection Is Opportunity For 4 More Years of Building On Education Policy” 
  • Dear Mr. President – TFA posts heart warming letters from kids to Obama (Teach For America)
  • LIFO doesn’t work for the Yankees and it sure doesn’t work for kids (Education Sector
  • LA Unified submits Race to the Top application without union support (Ed Week)
  • Ed Week discusses teacher quality in “Who’s on Which Side and Why” 
  • Forbes Magazine says CO Senator Mike Johnston delivered the BEST EDUCATION SPEECH EVER

Fun with Infographics & More:

  • Pictures of patient – and not so patient kids – at the polls on election day (BuzzFeed
  • Did you vote for a DFER? If so, then you should definitely share this
  • In an amazing act of what we can only call altruism, George Lucas donates the $4 billon he receives from Disney to education (Huffington Post
  • DFER’s Election Countdown Series: 8 Reasons to Re-Elect Obama (See here)

And, as always – Have a great weekend!

* When I sent out the email blast earlier today, it became clear after several email responses that many people did not get my intended pun here. I used the word “addition” as opposed to “edition” as a reference to the added seats the D’s received in the election. I take full responsibility for my bad joke. I mean, I can’t be funny all the time!