New Haven Mayor Needs A Hug

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

September 25, 2007

New Haven Connecticut Mayor John DeStefano is feeling blue because members of the group ConnCAN have been quoted a couple of times in news stories on education reform.

Here's one of the quotes in question, from ConnCAN Research Director Marc Porter Magee, on New Haven's SAT scores: "At the rate of increase, from 2007 it would take New Haven 129 years to reach the state average."

Oh no he didn't!

Here's the other one, from ConnCAN Executive Director Alex Johnston: "Our public schools have been set up to provide stable employment for a large number of folks."


You can't blame the mayor for wanting to declare a little DeStefano Time on this one. Every city agency should be mobilized! This is about saving the children now. Words can hurt! How are the New Haven Schools going to get any better unless we make everyone feel good about them?