Air Obama

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

November 15, 2007

Presidential hopeful Barack Obama became the first candidate in the race to hit the airwaves with an education related ad. The 30-second spots, which can be seen here, call for expanding early childhood education and recruiting “a new generation of teachers.”

Safe bets, but at least he’s out there on the issue.

Considering how depressing it was to see the charts in yesterday’s NY Times about what issues voters in Iowa and New Hampshire listed as the most important (education aint even close) the ad’s launch marks what could (hopefully) turn out to be a better discussion about the future of America as far as schools are concerned.

Will the other candidates engage, or leave education to Obama?

Dicslosure: While DFER is not endorsing any candidate in the primary, my wife and I both personally maxed out on our contributions to Obama’s campaign.