Now NCLB Causes Strokes Too?

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

September 11, 2007

I was going to post yesterday on the front pager in New York's Hometown Newspaper about the girl who suffered a stroke at a school in Queens but sat there – literally, for more than an hour – because there was some edict at the school that deans are banned from dialing 9-1-1.

I was going to ask dear readers to decide who was worse: the jackass well-intentioned person who came up with the rule, or the jackasses well-intentioned people who followed it?

But then, today, the story took on a whole new twist. While I'm sitting in an Amtrak lounge, I see on CNN that the teachers union in New York is now blaming the whole thing on NCLB. (The argument is that the school didn't want to look bad on paper, so it discouraged police calls that would increase crime stats for the school.)

OK, I suppose that was predictable.

But couldn't it work the other way too?