EXTRA: Reg Weaver Supports Merit Pay!

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

September 14, 2007

But only if the president and members of Congress also are subject to pay for performance.

Sounds like there is room for a deal here!

In all honesty, Weaver’s caustic comments aside, he doesn’t seem like someone who is trying to reach any sort of consensus with Rep. George Miller and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Sounds like “It’s the NEA way or the highway.” Throw People for the American Way into the mix and you could have a kick-butt tongue-twister, no?

UPDATE: One DFER friend emails: “I always thought those guys were paid for performance. It’s called election day.”

UPDATE II: Free advice to members of Congress on this one: Take Weaver’s pay for performance offer, but insist on tenure, the right to remove unflattering letters from the file, and a better dental plan. And if you have to cave, cave on the letters in the file issue. That’s what shredders are for anyway.

UPDATE III: Mike Antonucci has a much funnier take on Reg Weaver’s Iowa speech. Take the standardized test he created on his blog.