DFER News Round Up 01.25.2013

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

January 25, 2013

DFER News Round Up

By Devin Boyle, Director of Communications

DFER Seen & Heard:

  • National School Choice Week’s Whistle Stop Train Tour kicks off today in Los Angeles. DFER’s Gloria Romero will be on the scene. Check out the stops here
  • Did you miss the launch of Teachers for Education Reform (TFER)? Check it out here
  • DFER’s Gloria Romero pens the “Growing Significance of School Choice Week” for the OC Register.
  • Larry Grau, DFER Indiana State Director, tells StateImpact IN that the new Superintendent Glenda Ritz needs to get out in front of ed issues and say exactly what her positions are. 
  • Harrison Blackmond tells the HuffPost he’s not sure if all charter schools are making good on their promises in Michigan. 
  • DFER IN’s Grau weighs in on Indiana’s possible pull back on Common Core here and here.
  • “10 Must-Reads On Glenda Ritz, Indiana’s New State Superintendent” – Grau weighs in. (StateImpact)

DFER Blog:

  • Joe Williams writes, “Hey Adolfo, You Don’t Have To Leave The Party To Want Better Schools!” 
  • DFER’s Omar Lopez pens, “NYC Mayoral Hopeful Christine Quinn Talks Education.” 
  • Gloria Romero, DFER CA State Director, urges LAUSD school board to restructure low-performing school. And, they vote YES

In Related News:

  • TFER reports on recent Education Next report “Taking Back Teaching” in “New Generation of Teachers Seeks Greater Role in Education Reform.” 
  • StudentsFirst reacts to recently released Gates MET study in “The Case for Meaningful Educator Evaluations, Now Even More Meaningful!” 
  • “Colleges Overproducing Elementary Teachers, Data Find.” (TFER
  • USDOE launches website devoted to providing the latest ESEA waiver info. 
  • Teacher evaluation drama in NYC continues (CBS NY); NY Daily News flunks NY Ed Commissioner on teacher evaluations. 
  • “College completion is the true test of urban education,” reports The Boston Globe
  • EdWeek reports, “Common-Core Work Gets Aid From Many Philanthropies.” 

Fun with Infographics & More:

  • Photo | DFER Indiana’s Larry Grau takes notes at the Indiana Senate hearing on Common Core. 

Have a Great Weekend!