DFER News Round Up 03.22.2013

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

March 22, 2013

 DFER News Round Up

By Devin Boyle, Director of Communciations

DFER Seen & Heard:

  • “Nashville’s battle over charter schools authorizer shifts to costs,” reports The Tennessean. DFER TN’s Kamrani gives her take.
  • DFER CA’s Gloria Romero tells Reason, “If it’s adults versus kids, I’m going to go with kids first.” 
  • LA School Report asks, “Just How Connected is Antonio Sanchez.” DFER’s Romero weighs in.  
  • Appearing on a recent panel in CA, DFER’s Romero tells the audience, “If we do not educate, we will incarcerate.” 


  • DFER MI’s Harrison Blackmond warns that legislation to withdraw Michigan from Common Core Standards will harm students. 
  • DFER TN releases this video in response to recent discussions regarding costs of public charters in Metro Nashville Public Schools. 
  • DFER’s Joe Williams releases statement: “New York Public Education Too Important To Abandon Competitive Grants.” 

In Related News:

  • EdWeek’s Sara Mead tweets on her recent article, “NJ pre-k gains last through at least 5th grade. How do you like them apples? “ 
  • How Well Are American Kids Learning? U.S. posted gains in reading, math, and science. Read the 2013 Brown Center Report here
  • Democrats in MA push to lift public charter school caps in state, reports WSJ

Fun with Infographics & More

  • Photo: Just another day in the life of a DFER: Part 1 & Part 2
  • Infographic: A Real Impact – More DC Public School Teachers are Accepting Performance-Based Bonuses.

Have a Great Weekend!