Future Democrat for Education Reform – Berto Aguayo

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

April 11, 2013

Berto with Juan Rangel

By LaForce Baker, Manager, Education Reform Alumni

Cutberto Aguayo is a freshman at Dominican University in River Forest, IL, which is home to about 2,000 students. He recently won the presidency of his student government—an unprecedented feat for a freshman in college. And, it’s even more impressive once you know his story.

Cutberto Aguayo, better known as “Berto,” graduated from UNO’s Garcia Public Charter High School on Chicago’s Southside and is the first in his family to go to college. However, prior to enrolling at UNO, Berto was not on track to graduate. He was failing in school and was a member of a gang. Berto’s mom was worried for his future because he was not getting the discipline and support needed to live up to his full potential at his local public school. So, she enrolled him at UNO, a school she believed would help him succeed. And, it did just that.

Once at UNO, Berto’s grades drastically improved and he left the gang. He began to think about college as a part of his future. UNO provided him with the guidance and support he needed to apply, and with hard work and dedication Berto was accepted to Dominican University.