My kids are getting so big…

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

August 19, 2014

Can you believe it’s back to school time? My sons are all at different stages in their educations, heading off to day care, high school and college. This time of year always makes me stop to think about how lucky my family has been to have access to excellent public schools.

Unfortunately, that’s not yet the case for all children and families. To get there, we need leaders at all levels of government championing great schools for all kids.

We’re less than 30 days from RI’s Democratic primaries. And Cumberland Mayor Dan McKee—our Aug. ROTM—is one such courageous leader who needs your support to attain executive statewide office as Lieutenant Governor of Rhode Island.

Click here to donate $25 or more right now to help McKee!

Mayor McKee is a true progressive champion who’s been on DFER’s radar since 2008. The founder of acclaimed public charter Blackstone Valley Prep, McKee was a key leader in a statewide campaign for the creation of autonomous public charter schools called “Mayoral Academies” in RI.

McKee is the underdog in a three-way nomination fight against state Representative Frank Ferri and current Secretary of State Ralph Mollis, a darling of the teachers’ unions endorsed by the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers. DFER supports McKee’s bold calls for change, and his election to executive statewide office would undoubtedly accelerate reform in the Ocean State. If McKee were to win in an upset, he’d be an instant gubernatorial contender in the next election cycle.

But to win, McKee needs your help. His victory would be a win for progressive Dems everywhere, and most importantly, a win for kids. Please click here to donate $25 or more now and help this education champion to victory.
