DFER-NY Releases Statement on AQE March

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

March 12, 2014

DFER-NY Releases Statement on AQE March

Craig Johnson, Democrats for Education Reform NY Board Chair, issued the following statement on the Alliance for Quality Education’s march today in Albany:

“Contrary to what you may hear from certain special interest groups, the best way to fix our schools is not just to pour more money into the education bureaucracy. New York already spends $75 billion in education annually—from public schools to state funded universities—more than the total annual budget of 47 other states. What we need is smarter investments that actually deliver results, like statewide universal full-day pre-k, scholarships for students in critically-needed STEM courses and funding to reward our hardest working teachers. Governor Cuomo is taking a stand for our students by pushing for these programs, and we should all join him in putting our students first.”

Read more about the AQE’s march from the Albany Times Union‘s Rick Karlin.