New York Legislature: Giving Away The Store?

Blogs, Letters & Testimonials

March 18, 2008

Is anyone else amazed at the chutzhpah of the New York State legislature on this whole teacher tenure issue?

This legislation is so bad that even UFT President Randi Weingarten isn't willing to publicly admit she was pushing for it!

It would seem that there is some room for debate as to whether test scores alone can or should be used by local school districts in making tenure decisions, but passing a law which says student performance specifically can't be used to determine whether or not a teacher is effective and deserving of tenure? Man. It's not like we didn't just buy off the teachers union with that massive early-retirement program. Now we have to surrender common sense at the Legislative alter too?

This may be the most rabidly anti-public education legislation ever. Far worse a threat to the sinking franchise than any voucher ballot initiative we've ever watched go down in flames.

Even though the public spotlight is now on this puppy, it's not too late for someone to emerge and use the "Oops- it was a typo" excuse!